1:1 Marketing

Coach & Consultant


I help small-scale local business owners develop a marketing strategy to gain more clarity, customers, and sales to create the sustainable business of their dreams.

Here are 2 ways to work together!

1:1 Small Biz Coaching

12-week coaching program for Farmers & Artisans!

Are you a small-scale business owner ready to clarify your next steps and grow the business of your dreams?

Do you dream of simplifying your direction and increasing sales?

I’m here to help you cut the chaos and guide you step-by-step to a clear plan that fits you and your business! PLUS I’ll dive in and help you execute the plan.


Marketing Audit

Handling your marketing but feel something's missing?

This Marketing Audit is for you. Together we’ll review your goals, your current marketing efforts, and what opportunities you’re missing.

Includes 1 hr Zoom meeting, a comprehensive report of your current state of marketing, and an action plan with the next steps to improve your efforts.


“Can’t thank you enough for listening, for getting it, for your insight, for your confirmation. So thankful!!”

— Taking Root Flower Farm

Not sure where to start?