Collaborations as a Marketing Strategy!

Collaborating with similar businesses is one of the best ways to grow your audience. You get to build relationships with other business owners and expose your brand to their audience!

I’ve had the opportunity to collaborate with various local businesses in many different ways. While not all were successful, the ones that were have boosted my business and continue to pay dividends.

Through each collaboration, I’ve learned where to put my focus to gain new customers and a lasting relationship with the small business owner. Follow along to set yourself up for a fun and rewarding marketing opportunity for your small business!


Who would you like to work with, how would you like to collaborate, and what results are you seeking? This starts with an idea and then blooms into a rewarding venture when you start bringing in the other person’s ideas. Flexibility, open-mindedness, and a focus on mutual benefits are key to successful collaborations that can propel your business forward.

WHO - Choose potential collaborators.

  • Look for businesses that align with your products/services and values, share a similar customer, and are FUN to work with.

  • Favor businesses with a strong brand and reputation.

HOW - Establish a clear way of collaborating. Here are some ideas:

  • Host an event together (workshop, farm-to-table dinner, etc)

  • Feature each other’s products in your shops for a period of time

  • Bundle products together as a new offer

RESULTS - Create clear objectives and expectations.

  • When you've found a collaborator, define the specific objectives and scope of the collaboration. Discuss the results you’re expecting, resources, responsibilities, and timelines involved. Ask all the questions so that you have clear communication and you both are on the same page.

Now that you have the WHO, HOW, and RESULTS figured out, let’s talk about promotion! The goal here is to tap into your collaborator's network and connections to reach new customers and get both parties buzzing about the collaboration.

Seek introductions, endorsements, or referrals that can enhance your credibility and expand your business opportunities.


Joint marketing efforts can significantly boost visibility and attract new customers. Here are the next steps I take to launch this collab into action.

  1. Share pictures, product descriptions, social tags, hashtags, and any details about the collab with all of the collaborators so everyone has the right information to promote. Make it super easy for everyone to share the correct message about you and the collab.

  2. Begin posting the collab on social media (share each other’s posts, stories, etc.)

    1. Instagram

      1. Post > tag them in the image, mention them in the caption, add relevant hashtags, and add the location if applicable

      2. Stories > mention them with the text or sticker, use the Link sticker for your CTA (Call to Action), and add the location if applicable

      3. Add the CTA link to your Link in Bio

    2. Facebook

      1. Post > tag them in the image, mention them in the caption, add the CTA link, and add the location if applicable

      2. Stories > mention them with the text or sticker, use the Link sticker for your CTA (Call to Action), and add the location if applicable

      3. Share the posts to relevant FB Groups.

      4. Create a FB Event if applicable and invite your friend

  3. Print a flier to share with your customers

  4. Email your customers

The next question I hear is, “Great, but when and how often should I be posting and sharing the collab?”

Great question! It’s so great that I’ve created a workshop to break down how and when to talk about your event to drive results. To dive deeper into a launch marketing framework, check it out at Product Launch Workshop. But as a quick answer to the time frame, here are two ideas:

  1. Events

    1. Start talking about it 4-6 weeks prior to the event

  2. Selling a featured product

    1. How long will you sell this? One time only or for a whole month?

    2. If it is 1 time, start talking about it 2 weeks prior and go hard.

    3. If it is for a whole month, build the anticipation 1 week prior and then keep sharing its features and benefits and the maker/farmer building awareness, trust, and desire.


Many of the people you reach will become long-term customers, so have a plan to CULTIVATE the relationships. Also, cultivate your relationship with the collaborators by maintaining open communication, delivering on commitments, and seeking opportunities for ongoing collaboration.


  1. Brainstorm people you’d like to collaborate with who have a similar customer base, values, and a strong reputation.

  2. Brainstorm ways to collaborate. Can you host an event, workshop, or bundle products?

  3. What are you hoping to achieve?

  4. Look at your calendar and map out some possible dates.

  5. Reach out to your WHO and propose your ideas!!

Collaborations are so fun and do a great job attracting new customers. By joining forces with other local businesses, you will tap into each other's strengths and amplify your collective impact, nurturing a vibrant and flourishing local business community. Dive in and have fun!


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